Skating on Thin Ice: The Dangerous Side of Professional Hockey

Richard M. Coleman
3 min readNov 17, 2023


Hockey, a sport known for its electrifying energy and fast pace, is a spectacle of skill, speed, and strategy. However, beneath the surface of thrilling games and passionate fans lies a darker reality — the problematic side of professional hockey. This article delves into players’ physical and psychological risks, the impact of these dangers on their lives, and the measures being taken to ensure their safety.

The Physical Toll: Injuries and Their Aftermath

In the world of professional hockey, injuries are a common occurrence. From concussions to broken bones, players are frequently sidelined due to the physical toll of the game. Concussions, in particular, have garnered significant attention due to their long-term effects on brain health. These injuries are not only a concern for a player’s current season but can also have lasting impacts on their post-career life, leading to chronic pain, neurological disorders, and even early-onset dementia.

The physical risks extend beyond just injuries. The intense training and playing schedule can lead to chronic wear and tear on the body, resulting in conditions like arthritis and back problems. Moreover, the pressure to return to the ice quickly after an injury often leads to a cycle of pain management and further damage. This dangerous loop can shorten a player’s career.

The Mental Game: Stress, Pressure, and Mental Health

The physical risks often overshadow the psychological strain on professional hockey players. However, the mental challenges they face are just as daunting. Players are under constant pressure to perform at their best, maintain their physical condition, and handle the expectations of fans, coaches, and teammates. This pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and, in some cases, depression.

The fear of being replaced or losing one’s place on the team due to injury adds additional stress. The mental toll of recovering from an injury, coupled with the anxiety of returning to the ice at the same level of performance, can be overwhelming for many players. Additionally, the transition to life after hockey can be difficult as players grapple with losing their identity as professional athletes.

Safety Measures: Steps Toward a Safer Sport

In response to these concerns, leagues, teams, and player associations have implemented various measures to enhance player safety. These include stricter enforcement of rules against dangerous play, improved helmet designs, and protocols for concussion management. Additionally, there is an increased emphasis on educating players about the risks of the sport and the importance of taking injuries seriously.

Mental health support has also become a priority, with teams employing sports psychologists and providing resources for players to manage stress and mental health challenges. These efforts aim to create a more supportive environment for players on and off the ice.

The Future of Hockey: Balancing Excitement and Safety

As the sport continues to evolve, the challenge lies in maintaining hockey’s excitement and competitiveness while ensuring its players’ safety and well-being. This involves a delicate balance between the traditional physicality of the sport and the growing awareness of the risks involved. Innovations in equipment, training methods, and medical care are essential in achieving this balance.

Moreover, there is a need for a cultural shift within the sport, where players feel comfortable discussing their injuries and mental health without fear of stigma or repercussions. This shift is crucial for creating an environment where players can thrive during and after their careers.

A Responsibility to Protect

The dangerous side of professional hockey is a multifaceted issue that requires attention and action from all stakeholders in the sport. While injuries and mental health challenges are inherent risks of any professional sport, leagues, teams, and players must mitigate these risks as much as possible. Through continued efforts in education, safety measures, and support systems, the hope is to preserve the integrity and excitement of hockey while protecting those who bring it to life.



Richard M. Coleman

Richard Coleman worked at the Medical School of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. Additionally, he worked at the Stanford University Medical School.